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Meet our Faculty & Staff

At SF Day, our faculty & staff are at the heart of our mission and work.

Every day, our innovative and creative faculty makes a difference in the lives of their students -- and our dedicated staff and administrators support their work and make it possible for our students to thrive. 

< 1 4 5 6 7 8 > showing 81 - 96 of 116 constituents
Yana Roginsky

Yana Roginsky

Middle School Mathematics Teacher
Naomi Rudolph

Naomi Rudolph

Director of Student Support & Wellness
Nicole Sanders

Nicole Sanders

Lower School Learning Specialist
Beth Schenck

Beth Schenck

Middle School Music Teacher
Noam Scott

Noam Scott

Learning Specialist- Grades 2, 3, & 4
Andy Shin

Andy Shin

Executive Director of Breakthrough San Francisco
Nick Silvestri

Nick Silvestri

Director of Student Life & Musical Theater Teacher
Adrian Sim

Adrian Sim

5th Grade Lead Teacher
Justin Smith

Justin Smith

Middle School Music Teacher
Kaami Smith

Kaami Smith

Operations Support
Miika Smith

Miika Smith

Operations Support
Jake Sproull

Jake Sproull

7th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Aneesha Srikar

Aneesha Srikar

Head of Middle School
Timothy Stabler

Timothy Stabler

Teaching Fellow
Caitlin Stevens

Caitlin Stevens

Middle School Art Teacher
Landon Strempel

Landon Strempel

Technology Support Specialist